The Specific Massages


Just click on the massage's name to purchase it or offer it via a gift voucher.


Solo or Duet "Passeport pour le bio"

45 min session (89 € for each person) or 90 min session (139 € for each person)
Enjoy a moment of intense serenity for one or two (simultaneous massage or one at a time)
This specific organic face care made from fresh Aloe-Vera leaf is a must for skins lacking hydration.


Solo or Duet "Passeport entre ciel et terre"

45 min session (79 € for each person)
Enjoy a moment of intense serenity for one or two (simultaneous massage or one at a time)
This care of Ayurvedic inspiration is a wonderful antioxidant. Thanks to the feet (Bol ‘kansu) and head massage (Shirot champi) you will enjoy a great moment of relaxation.